Hello There! Welcome to Supriya the Explorista: A Travel, Lifestyle and Health Blog. My name is Supriya Jalukar, and I’m the writer behind this glorious little website. I’m a millenial raised in the mitten state, an occupational therapist by training, and a creative spirit with a deep passion for traveling, dogs & animals, crafting stories and making art in all its shapes and forms. My family hails from Pune, India, a beautiful city located in Maharashtra, India, but I have always called the United States home. Growing up, I absolutely loved exploring new cultures and peoples through travel. This portfolio has honestly been years in the making: I have created it as a form of genuine self expression and to house my personal collection of travelogues, photo stories, as well as a smattering of lifestyle and health related topic articles. I would love for you to join me on my journey and to stay a while. Please like, share, comment and subscribe, and most importantly, enjoy exploring the world through my lens 🙂
Yours Truly,
Supriya the Explorista <3